PEO14 cell line cell line is an adherent cell line derived from a malignant effusion from the peritoneal ascites of a patient with a well differentiated serous adenocarcinoma. PEO14 was collected prior to treatment. PEO14 exhibits poor growth in semi-solid medium. PEO14 is from the same patient as PEO23 and TO14. This cell line is one of nine from the PE ovarian adenocarcinoma panel available at Glow Biologics which provides a model system for research into the mechanism of oestrogen action on ovarian adenocarcinoma tumour cells, and for the study of efficacy and toxicity of oestrogen protagonists.
Adherent Suspension
Suggested Medium
RPMI 1640 + 2mM Glutamine + 2mM Sodium Pyruvate + 10% Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS).
Quality Control
PEO14 Cell Line was tested and found to be free of mycoplasma, bacterial, viruses, and other toxins. All cells were above 95% viability before freezing.
Epithelial; stellate in shape and producing hemicystic colonies which grow upwards from the substrate and detach as spheres.
PEO14 Cell Line will be shipped using dry ice.
Store the cell lines in liquid nitrogen vapor (less than -130°C)
PEO14 Cell Line is for research use only