MOR/0.4R has been developed from the parent line, MOR, by continuous exposure to increasing concentrations of doxorubicin (also known as adriamycin). This drug-resistant cell line accumulates lower levels of doxorubicin than the parent line and have been shown to overexpress multi drug resistance-associated protein (MRP). The expression of a 190kDa membrane protein associated with the degree of drug resistance has been indicated. Cells grow as easily detaching aggregates
Adherent Suspension
Semi-adherent aggregates
Suggested Medium
RPMI 1640 + 2mM Glutamine + 0.4µg/ml Doxorubicin + 10% Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS).
Quality Control
MOR/0.4R Cell Line was tested and found to be free of mycoplasma, bacterial, viruses, and other toxins. All cells were above 95% viability before freezing.
MOR/0.4R Cell Line will be shipped using dry ice.
Store the cell lines in liquid nitrogen vapor (less than -130°C)
MOR/0.4R Cell Line is for research use only