Derived from the cortical collecting duct (CCD) of a mouse, transgenic for the early region of SV40 (Tg(SV40E)Bri/7). They express many characteristics of the CCD like epithelial morphology and CCD-specific antigens. M-1 cells grown on permeable supports exhibited a high transepithelial resistance concomitant with the development of a lumen-negative transepithelial potential difference. The M-1 cell line and sub-clones exhibit principal cell (PC) functions and ß-intercalated cell (ß-ICC) functions, both typical for the heterogeneous epithelium found in the renal collecting duct. M-1 cells and sub-clones show a heterogeneous expression of PC and ß-ICC antigens with 5-10% exhibiting a dual PC/ß-ICC phenotype.
Adherent Suspension
Suggested Medium
DMEMHam's F12 (11) + 2mM Glutamine + 5µm Dexamethasone (DXMT) + 5% Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS).
Quality Control
M-1 Cell Line was tested and found to be free of mycoplasma, bacterial, viruses, and other toxins. All cells were above 95% viability before freezing.
M-1 Cell Line will be shipped using dry ice.
Store the cell lines in liquid nitrogen vapor (less than -130°C)
M-1 Cell Line is for research use only